7 years ago I had my last one night stand. After many years in an abusive relationship, I finally got out but was surviving by meeting men in clubs and trying to claw back some of my power as an individual by having one night stands.
One one night after meeting a guy, some point later I was having consensual sex with him and he started to choke me without warning. I was shocked but as I was drunk, I had the confidence to push him off me and punch him in the face, allbeit fairly pathetically as it’s not something id ever done before. He was then really shocked that I had tried to hit him and said that he thought I would like it as I was an older, more experienced woman that I would enjoy it. For context he was in his early 20’s and I was in my late 20’s. I explained that I took it as an attack and not a pleasurable thing. I was really confused by this and still in shock as I thought he was trying to kill me but he thought it would turn me on, or at least said that.
I ended up speaking to the police who picked me up and took me home. They were two young male officers who when I spoke to them told me to sleep on it as I was drunk, that I had no marks or bruising so they couldn’t really do anything but that if I was really serious about reporting him then I should go to the police station in the morning to report what happened. Despite the fact that I was in their car and had told them what happened.
The next day I weighed this up and actually felt like my sex life and personal business would be dragged through court / press and I had no evidence of what had happened so I felt unable to pursue this further at the time. I never told anyone then and I stopped drinking and going out to pubs or bars or clubs. The reaction of the police made me feel like I wouldn’t be taken seriously.
Eventually I told a friend who was supportive and I reached out to the club I had been in that night to ask if anything like this had happened before. They said that the police had an open log of similar reports where women had had violence against them by one or two men who went there regularly that the club had told them about but they couldn’t do anything without the women coming forward. There was no publicity about this, no warnings or information shared that would make women aware that this was happening.
I have revisited this night more and more recently and have been able to begin to deal with what happened. I contacted the police with a freedom of information request and they had no record of the incident logged.
I have now realised that there have been other incidents where I had not given consent for sex, not given consent for particular acts during sex and have had violence perpetrated against me during sex, have been sexually assaulted and I have also had non-sexual violence, including strangulation during the abusive relationship. None of these men have had any repercussions from what happened which makes me angry sometimes. And many times I just put this down to bad sexual experiences and even continued relationships and sexual encounters with these men.
One of the biggest things for me was being able to frame this myself. It felt like such a grey area, it didn’t feel like rape, it didn’t feel like a sexual assault and when I described it as sexual assault people wouldn’t understand what I meant. Understanding that it was sexual violence has helped me heal in a way and hearing people have gone through similar things, whilst upsetting and it’s not ok, it truly has helped so much to understand my story and the things that have happened to me.
Thank you for this space and for the others who have shared. I stand with you all x