A survey on porn and an update on the campaign.

Help us respond to the Government in our survey

We’re relieved that the Government is facing up to the impacts of porn on society, and we want your help in responding to their review of the industry and the law.

Our sister think tank, The Other Half, has been pushing for a review of the industry and is collecting responses from you to shape our response.

You can see how porn has impacted women’s experiences of violence in sex and views on relationships, and in criminal justice in our research briefings, as well as the Children’s Commissioner’s view of the harms caused to young people and The Other Half’s summary of the research on the harms the industry brings.

Please tell us about the impacts you’ve seen, and do share this survey with your networks.

 Share Your Thoughts Now 

Other news:

The Sentencing Council have consulted on an increase to the sentencing for ‘sexually motivated’ manslaughter

After we pushed for further change in the wake of the trial of Sam Pybus in November 2021, Laura Farris MP proposed a change to the sentencing for manslaughter so that ‘sexually motivated’ fatal violence would be more severely punished. The sentencing Council held a consultation late last year and we await further news of whether this will go ahead: we think this is a good thing if it does. Appallingly, Sam Pybus has already been released from his sentence for killing Sophie Moss in 2021.

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